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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

VLOG: Swiss National Day: Lake, Challenge, Fireworks & OOTN + What's in my beach bag?♥ 瑞士國慶日

Hello Wednesday=D
As you can see the title, this vlog is filmed on Swiss National Day, it was 1st August, Friday! We went to France to relax a bit, then we watched fireworks at night! In this vlog, you will see Tiki bb swum, what's in my beach bag, what's in my makeup bag, little challenge, fireworks, outfit of the night & more! So what are you waiting for? Watch the vlog now, and give a thumb up if you like the vlog=) Thank you so much! New videos every Wednesday & Sunday! Subscribe my channel to support me! 



  1. looks like your guys had great day in france on the beach national day
    keep in touch

  2. Thak you for this beautiful vlog!
    I m enjoying watching this video!
    You re so wonderful couple.
    Thank you for sharing!


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